Yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices which originated in ancient India. Yoga has been found to improve quality of life, reduce stress and anxiety, depression and back pain. Not surprisingly, Yoga has been shown to improve fitness, strength and flexibility. The College has taken initiative to introduce Yoga to its students to keep them healthy, both physically and mentally. Yoga classes are carried out regularly and students who attain them have reaped the benefit. Meditation is carried out along with Yoga. It helps the students to use techniques of mindfulness and train their mental ability to concentrate their attention on a particular subject or thought. These classes have rendered physical, mental and spiritual growth of the students.
Co-ordinator - Mrs. Jayantibala Parija, Reader and Head, Department of Botany. 1. Yoga classes were held under value added course for the session 2015-16 on 15.07.2015. 2. Yoga classes were held on 21.12.2015 in collaboration with Prajapita Brahmakumari. 3. International Yoga Day was observed in collaboration with NCC and NSS on 21.06.2016 4. Yoga classes for the session 2016-17 under value added course were held on 01.08.2016. 5. Yoga and Meditation camp was held on 19.12.2016 n collaboration with Patanjali Yoga Kendra. 6. Observation of International Yoga Day on 21.06.2017 in collaboration with NCC and NSS. 7. Yoga and Meditation camp was held on 18.12.2017 in collaboration with Patanjali Yoga Kendra. 8. Value Added Course on Yoga was started on 25.02.2018. 9. Yoga and Meditation camp was held on 21.12.2018 in collaboration with Prajapita Brahmakumari.
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