1. The college union shall remain as the sole forum of students opinion inside Salipur Autonomous College. Its functions are :
a.To organize discussion on the general, cultural, academic, national and international problems.
b.To organize debate.
c.To invite eminent persons to address the Union and
d.To take up such other activities which are of common interest of the institution with the prior approval of the Principal.
2. Membership of the Union:
Every benefited student of +3 classes of the college is member of the Union. No one whose name is not on the roll of the college can be member of Union.
3. Members of the Teaching Staff :
The meeting of union shall be open to all the members of the teaching staff who, if they so desire can take part in proceeding of the meetings.
4. The executive committee :
There shall be an Executive Committee of the College Union consisting of the following:
i.The President
ii.The Vice-President
iii.The General Secretary
iv.The Student Members (one from each class)
5. Functions of the Executive Committee :
a)The functions of the Executive Committee shall be :
i.To draw up the program of the union activities for the session.
ii.To adopt the Union Budget for the session and
iii.To undertake such other activities as are consistent with the objectives of the union, in accordance with the provision of the constitution.
b) i.An ordinary meeting of the Executive Committee may be called by the General Secretary in consultation with the Advisor. Prior notice must be given to the effect. The date time and place of the meeting agenda shall be fixed by the General Secretary in consultation with the president, the Vice-President and the Assistant Secretary.
ii.An extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee can be convened at any time by the Principal.
iii.A meeting of the Executive Committee shall be presided over by the President and in his absence by the Vice-president or in the absence of both, by any member of the Committee elected by the meeting, such elections being conducted by the Advisor. No meeting of the Executive Committee can be conducted without the Advisor or Associate Advisor.
iv.Fifty percent of the total members of the Executive Committee shall constitute the quorum.
v.The minutes of the meeting shall be maintained by the General Secretary and copy there of shall be sent to the principal by the Secretary through the Advisor or Associate Advisor.
a.There shall be an Advisor appointed by the Principal from among the members of the Teaching Staff.
b.The Advisor shall be present in all meetings of the union. He will assist by helpful suggestions wherever necessary in proper conduct of the meeting. The president may refer to him any rule for interpretation and the decision of the advisor, when so referred to, shall be final.
c.The Advisor shall explain the scope and effect of a motion or amendment when he is so requested by the President at any time during the meeting.
a.There shall be Associate Advisors from each faculty appointed by the Principal from among the members of the teaching staff. In the absence of Adviser, the senior most Association Advisor will conduct the functions of the Union.
b.The Associate Advisors shall be present in all meetings of the Union.
a.Any +3 student is eligible to stand for Presidentship of the Union.
b.The President shall be responsible for smooth conduct of meeting and interpreting rules. His ruling shall be final subject to the approval of the Adviser. The ruling of the advisor shall be final.
c.President shall be responsible for smooth conduct of the meeting and interpreting rules. His ruling shall be final subject to the approval of the Adviser. The ruling of the advisor shall be final.
Only degree students other than +3 (Part-III) classes can stand for Vice-Presidentship. In the absence of the President shall assume all rights of the President and discharge all his duties. Except this in other cases, he is one among all other office bearers of the College Union.
a. Any +3 student is eligible to stand for the Secretaryship of the Union. The secretary shall arrange debates, give notice of all ordinary meetings and record the minutes of all the meeting whether annual ordinary or extra ordinary.
b.The secretary shall maintain a proper record of all activities of the union accounts and expenditures incurred for the union. No expenditure shall be incurred without the approval of the Advisor who shall countersign all vouchers.
c.Requisition for expenditure should be countersigned by the advisor to get it sanctioned by the Principal.
a.Only Part-I & Part-II degree students can stand for Assistant Secretaryships. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the secretary and in the absence of the secretary, he shall assume all the right of the secretary and discharge all the duties of the secretary.
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